Fated Synonyms

 Prose Poetry 
Fated Synonyms

Lives so intricately intertwined. Hearts beating at the same time, an alluring rhythm of a metronome. You can dance to it. Always stuck by each other's side, in each other's periphery, destined to be in each other's reach. "It's Fate," they say, They believe it. But fate is a mystical mistress, cruel and unforgiving, yet, kind and merciful. Life is an ocean filled with waves that both drown and calm you. Their lives much the same. Woven by red string, sometimes that string is frayed it's heart breaking— and it feels as thought it would completely break apart.
It doesn't. They would release the breath they've been holding and they would rectify that thread-bared part of the crafted fabric.

In a wish upon a shooting star, if one decides to live forever, the other would wish to never know a life with the other.

Two twin stars fall at the same time, creating a massive crater. It was renowned. Became known to the world as something phenomenal. Two intertwined beings wanted to make a dent in the world they live in. They succeeded.